The BAII Plus financial calculator is a popular financial calculator produced by Texas Instruments. It is widely used by finance professionals, students, and anyone involved in financial analysis. The calculator is designed to perform a variety of financial calculations, including: Time Value of Money (TVM), Cash Flow Analysis and other financial functions.
Time Value of Money (TVM) is a fundamental financial principle. You will learn about the five key variables—Present Value, Future Value, Interest Rate, Number of Periods, and Payment—and how to apply them through practical examples and step-by-step instructions.
The BAII Plus calculator’s interest conversion mode allows you to easily convert between nominal interest rates (NOM), effective interest rates (EFF), and the number of compounding periods per year (C/Y). This is crucial for comparing investments with different compounding frequencies.
Cash flow is a vital financial metric that reflects the net inflow and outflow of cash within a business or individual over a specific period. This article covers Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) calculations using the BAII Plus financial calculator.
Enter values for at least 4 of the 5 TVM variables (N, I/Y, PV, PMT, FV), then press [CPT] and the value key you want to solve for the unknown variable.
Press [2nd] [FORMAT], then enter the desired number of decimal places (0-9) and press [ENTER].
Press [2nd] [FORMAT] to enter settings menu, then select [BGN/END] to toggle between end-of-period (END) and beginning-of-period (BGN) modes.
Press [2nd] [CLR TVM] to clear TVM registers, or [2nd] [CLR WORK] to clear all stored values, or [2nd] [2] to reset everything.